Media Invitation

The global lost and found service

Greetings Journalists,

Welcome to LostFoundLink... connecting you with yours.

You are cordially invited to ethically and lawfully use all or part of the information provided to write about LostFoundLink  at any time without requesting our prior consent.

However please oblige; these provisions are solely intended to assist you in writing a favourable piece that will help to increase public awareness of LostFoundLink  around the world, for which we shall be most grateful!

For the background story of LostFoundLink  read About us and for our service features see Find out more. To use our logo and slogan and/or service flow diagram contact us for details at [email protected].

If you write about LostFoundLink  please include our website address - - and we would appreciate receiving a copy of your article for our records. Kindly email it to [email protected].

Thanks for your interest in our service.

Best Regards,



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What some of our members say...

  • I thought about becoming a member of LostFoundLink several times but never did. It was losing my new briefcase that made me finally decide to join and wish I'd done it a whole lot sooner.

    Jay Peters - USA

  • Just couldn't believe it! I lost my keys in the morning and was able to collect them from the finder in the evening. I was so thankful for LostFoundLink helping me to avoid a lot of inconvenience.

    James A - United Kingdom

  • I lost my credit card while out shopping. Then LostFoundLink advised it had been reported found by a store manager. It saved me all the hassle of cancelling and waiting for a new card to be issued.

    LMB - New Zealand

  • I joined LostFoundLink mainly for travelling overseas, but of course it will also work for me around home in Ontario. I find it very comforting to know that membership covers me wherever I go.

    Sally J - Canada

  • During the first year of membership I wondered if I'd ever need LostFoundLink. But when I suddenly lost my mobile phone and recovered it the very next day I was really pleased that I'd joined.

    Mrs Mary T - Wales

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