Our Background Story...
From local business to global company
Welcome to LostFoundLink... connecting you with yours.
It's the worldwide lost and found membership service
protecting your valuable items wherever you go
LostFoundLink has evolved from just a simple idea into a worthwhile service helping to reduce a large worldwide problem. It has been established in one form or another and under the same ownership since 2010. In the beginning it was run on a traditional platform and only represented in the United Kingdom, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But later on, as the benefits of using the Internet were realized, an opportunity was seen to expand the service and operate it on a global scale.
The business was then restructured and transformed into a much broader based lost and found service whereby members are covered 24 hours everyday, all year round, worldwide. It also means our new and exclusive Worldwide Membership is now available to everyone in all countries around the globe. Members can relax knowing they have an effective and reliable safeguard in place that will always be precisely on the spot to help them recover their lost property if ever the worst should happen.
The exclusive Worldwide Membership covers you
24 hours everyday, all year round, worldwide
LostFoundLink provides its members with an affordable everyday protection against losing things, the unique Personal Property Protection Pack. The wide range of items covered include keys & remotes, travel luggage, laptop computers, mobile phones, wallets, purses, handbags, briefcases, credit cards, passports, school bags and more, even pet dogs are included. It functions 365/24 for members whether they are at work, out shopping, on holiday at home or travelling overseas.
The service has earned a good reputation for its high lost-to-found success rate and member-to-finder contact rate. These positive features combine to give members peace of mind wherever they go. They have the best possible chance to locate and recover their lost property no matter where it is found, around the corner or around the world. In many cases members are informed their property has been found before they even know it is lost.
A unique Personal Property Protection Pack is the most
affordable and effective way to guard all your things
LostFoundLink has become a well known brand name synonymous with the service it gives and is acknowledged as a world leader in assisting with the recovery of lost property for its members. The reason for so much unclaimed lost property in the past has been that owners had no definite way of knowing where it could be or how to get it back. The service has won international acclaim for creating the vital link that was always missing between the owners of lost property and the finders.
Losing something can suddenly happen to anyone (including you!) at anytime and anywhere, just when you least expect it. That worrying thought is always at the back of everyones' mind. Lost property normally causes a lot of inconvenience and the biggest headache ever, not knowing what to do or where to turn. But you could easily help prevent that from happening by protecting your belongings now, instead of maybe losing them forever.